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Attorney Arie Lipinski

What are symptoms of mold exposure?

On Behalf of | Jul 20, 2023 | Environmental Law

Moving into a new home is an exciting time for most people. Once the stress of moving is over and you are settled in, you are ready to enjoy making new memories in your new home.

But have you ever moved into a new home and started getting sick all the time? It’s normal to assume that you picked up germs during the move or developed a new allergy, but if the symptoms persist over time, they could come from exposure to toxic mold in your home.

Mold is found almost everywhere in the environment. When it sits in an environment with a high amount of moisture and is undisturbed for a long period, mold becomes more visible.

Where does mold grow?

There are various types of molds that are found indoors and outdoors. Typical molds found in homes are usually in warm, damp places such as walls, attics, basements, under carpets or inside insulation.

One type of mold often found indoors grows in both warm and cool locations. It is green, brown or black in color and is regularly found in carpet, on wood or in heating and cooling ducts.

Mold exposure symptoms often mimic allergy symptoms

There are many common symptoms of mold exposure. Most of them are allergy-like symptoms that include:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Wheezing

You may also experience constant eye irritation, a runny nose, congestion or headaches. Although some of these symptoms are relatively minor and more of an inconvenience than anything else, mold exposure can cause you major health problems. This is especially true if you already have allergies or asthma.

Signs of mold in your home

Signs of mold include more than just spots. A spot with a musty spell that causes cracking or peeling of the surface it is on is a sign of mold.

You can test if a spot is mold by putting a drop of bleach on it. If the spot is mold, its color will lighten after a few minutes. Spots in an area with a lot of moisture or near a moisture source are also more likely to be mold.

Identifying the cause of mold

When you discover mold, you might try to fix the problem yourself. However, simply removing or wiping away the mold will not always be a permanent solution.

Usually, you must identify the cause of the moisture that allowed the mold to grow. This could be the result of a construction defect, such as a plumbing leak, poorly installed ventilation system or other type of defect that provides an environment for mold to grow.

Planning your next steps

If you discover that the mold in your home is caused by a construction defect, you might ask the builder to repair or fix the problem. If this is unsuccessful, you could pursue a construction defect claim for damages.

However, the statute of limitations for construction claims in Indiana is 10 years, so you must make sure you are within the deadline to file a claim. There are knowledgeable and experienced professionals who can help you learn about your rights and options.